Saturday 10th April, 2021
Say ‘NO’ to Dowry after Marriage
The phrases like "We are against dowry, and we only want your daughter", “We will take your daughter in one pair of clothes”, “All we want is a daughter and not daughter-in-law,” etc. sound too good to be correct. Marriages in India follow deeply rooted cultural beliefs and are considered a divine blessing. While dowry has been long-standing distressing practice and also a part of the ceremony, it’s being followed up with a little tweak these days.
Is Dowry Trend Really Changing?
Changes are unpredictable and inevitable. Dowry is malpractice that has been followed for a long time, but its trends are changing. Nowadays, people don’t ask for dowry the way they used to do earlier. They don’t ask for it before marriage but after it. They pressurize the girl to ask for financial help and support from her family. They even turn too greedy to torture her physically, mentally, or sexually and are driven to suicide.
Siyaswayamver Condemns Dowry Practice
Realizing the fact that you are taking the heart and soul of a family with you would be sufficient to value daughters-in-law. We believe that girls are the manifestation of Goddess Lakshmi and bequeath love, happiness, and prosperity to the family. Greed will not take you far, but love will. Treat your daughter-in-law like your daughter to get treated like her parents.
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